User Research Methods And Practices

User research is often divided into two methods:

  1. Qualitative Research
  2. Quantitative Research

1. Qualitative Research: Qualitative methods can give you an in-depth understanding of something in impossible ways to reduce to numbers. provide you with more detail about a situation or an answer because you can always follow up with new questions or go back to your participants for more detail.

How can I conduct qualitative research? A. Interviews B. Usability tests C. Feedback forms

2. Quantitative Research: The researcher seeks to measure aspects of users and user behavior in a way that can be quantified and used for statistical analysis.

How can I conduct quantitative research? A. Surveys B. Polls C. Insights D. Statistics

How can I measure each method?

1. Qualitative Research A qualitative method has an instant result by collecting and processing data in two different ways.

  • Qualitative Process Analysis
  • Quantitative Process Analysis

Quantitative Process Analysis: A. Time On Task B. Success/ Failure Rates C. Efforts And Progressive

Qualitative Process Analysis: A. Stress Responses B. Subjective Satisfaction

2. Quantitative Research A quantitative method translates research results into formative numbers and statistics you can use it to highlight problems in statistical form.

When Should I use It?

Qualitative Research: The qualitative method is suitable when you don't have much information about the topic you are researching because they allow you to be explorative It's also good evidence for your team and stakeholders to understand the reason behind any strange behavior and give you credibility when you make a design decision and it avoids the probable theory.

Quantitative Research: Quantitative research is beneficial if you know enough about your user. For instance, If you have a running business that has funnels and you want to know how many purchasing processes have you missed or how many users like this feature. Reflect defects in numbers by giving rates and percentages for each process we use statistics and insights to locate funnels and estimate how many users have been lost during the flow or the most common place where the gap happens.


User Research দুটি পদ্ধতিতে বিভক্ত করা হয়:

  1. গুণগত গবেষণা
  2. পরিমাণগত গবেষণা